The Bible is unique among all documents in the World. Look at these details!
Only God could accomplish this!
The Bible is the unified story of God creating everything that exists. He made Man to co-rule creation with him.
Man rejected the call, corrupting himself and all God's creation, becoming unable and unwilling to live in The Holy God's presence.
Bible history recounts God's covenant to save Man, through his Son Jesus Christ alone, restoring fellowship with God and Man.
Redemption is secured if a person is horrified by, confesses, repents of their sin, and relies on Christ's death on the Cross, alone, for forgiveness.
Welcome To Our View Of The Cosmos!
Let me introduce you to the family. I’m Doug and my wife is Joyce. We each have been reconciled to Christ for more than 50 years. Our kids are adults and have children of their own. So, we keep the energy levels high in our home with our two dogs.
Rocky is the old man at 11 ½ years old. He is the Australian Shepherd on the right. Rowan is the little kid of the pack at 1 ½ years old. He is the Goldendoodle.
We all live in a what is described as a post-Christian world. There are all kinds of influences vying for our attention. They try to lead well-meaning followers of Christ into myriads of distractions from him.
Many others wonder if there might be something more to life than meets the eye and what that something may be. They often get led through the looking glass into wild and exotic flights of fancy.
We started this website to help interested people sort through all those distractions. We do not pretend to be makers of truth. We will guide you to the truth of God, who cannot lie. We respect you and will strive to be both polite and approachable. Some topics are controversial. We don’t mind that. We hope you don’t either.
Our intent is to follow the guideline set down by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 3:15.
but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect
Let’s talk!
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Is Muhammad Prophesied in the Bible (By Name)?
The Assertion Muhammad appears in the Hebrew scriptures by name.This one is a serious stretch. This is a single text. The late Muslim apologist and
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For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. (Rev 7:17)
Inspiration For Articles of Interest ...
God – Who He Is Not
God – One Being, Three Persons
Succession to David’s Throne By Jesus
Golgotha Conspiracy, Who Killed Jesus?
*”What are some of the interesting facts & stats about the Bible?”
** “Who Were The Authors for the Bible?” ([?] the Author of Hebrews is uncertain, authors of Psalms are 8 named & 48 unknown).