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doug with puppy

Doug: aka "Hawk" - Author

There is no other reason for selecting this picture except that I am amazed at the growth process. We all grow and change like this little guy. It is Rowan, just before we got him, in case you missed that.

In the introduction I told you that I reconciled with Christ as a young adult. I was 25 years old. It was by God’s grace alone; through the faith he gave me.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. — (Eph 2:8-10)

I wasn’t looking for God. I was an enemy of God, because I followed sincerely held, but flawed, beliefs that I could become God. We were at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, after all. It is tragically humorous as I look back at it now, I fooled myself into thinking that my life was not merely about sex, drugs and rock and roll. It was about expanded consciousness.

It was in the moment I heard his call that God transformed my life, and my growth in the realm of truth began in earnest.

More than 50 years have passed since that day. In that time, I have picked up some experience. Sometimes that experience has taught me what not to do. We tend to call that failing. So, I have empathy for those who struggle.

We live in confusing and challenging times. This troubles me quite a bit. In about two generations, the span of my short life, we have lost our direction as a society. We have nearly lost our ability to live with each other.

We initiated this blog in the hope of providing clarity. I do not suppose I have more intelligence than others. However, in walking with Christ, I have been walking with the author and creator of everything that exists, and I have paid attention to the best of my ability. That has caused me to learn some things along the way. He has taught me much that I would not have learned otherwise.

Because of Jesus Christ, I know who I am, why I am here, where I am going and how I will get there. I want to share what I can with those who are interested, about what he has taught me.

The things that I will be writing about have to do with a journey with Christ, and only that. If you are not interested in Christ, you may not be interested in much (or any) of what I have to say. That’s alright! Not all will be. However, if you stick around, you may find you are not bored.

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it but because by it, I see everything else. —  C. S. Lewis

Joyce: Editor In Chief

Joyce has been on the path longer, and she reconciled with Christ earlier than I. She has the wisdom of God to go with it. And, we love each other which means we inspire each other to be the best we can be.

She contributes to the messages coming from this site in an indirect, yet vital way as my chief supporter and editor. She checks my tone and helps me clarify what I want to say. Because of her input I am more direct and honest in my communication, yet with deeper empathy and more humility.

God said in the beginning, it is not good for the man to live alone. (Gn 2:18). It’s a good thing for me that God has my back by giving me Joyce as a partner. Trust me, I need the help.

It is with deep gratitude for her assistance with the editing of these posts, that I submit everything I say here.

joyce portrait
Chi Rho fresco image

...The Laborer Is Worthy Of His Hire (1 Tim 5:18)

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